
6.3. Publications

The selected parts of the thesis have been already published in:

During the work on the thesis I have also coauthored other research:

  • Olgierd Unold, Edyta Rogula, and Norbert Kozłowski. Introducing action planning to the anticipatory classifier system ACS2. In International Conference on Computer Recognition Systems, 264–275. Springer, 2019 (CORE: National, MNiSW: 20).

  • Olgierd Unold, Norbert Kozłowski, Łukasz Śmierzchała. Preliminary tests of an Anticipatory Classifier System with Experience Replay, Gecco 2022 (In press).

Selected research advancements were presented at the following conferences:

  • Kraków, Poland, 2018, QIPLSIGML - PyALCS and OpenAI Gym,

  • Kyoto, Japan, 2018, GECCO - Integrating anticipatory classifier systems with OpenAI Gym,

  • Wrocław, Poland, 2019, PP-RAI - Preliminary tests of a real-valued Anticipatory Classifier System,

  • Prague, Czech Republic, 2019, GECCO - Preliminary tests of a real-valued Anticipatory Classifier System,

  • Cancún, Mexico, 2020, GECCO - Investigating Exploration Techniques for Anticipatory Classifier System in Real-Valued Environments,

  • Gdynia, Poland, 2022, PP-RAI - Internalizing Knowledge for Anticipatory Classifier Systems in Discretized Real-Valued Environments.